Monday, August 30, 2010

Most Popular: Tenth Amendment

Source: "Conservatives rally around the Tenth Amendment"

Constitutional Connection: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

Analysis of Connection: 
     The tenth amendment has become a major cited source over the past years and it is controversial. This gives states and/or the people the right to prohibit or make legal anything not delegated in the US constitution or in the states laws already. In this article they give several examples of the new interest in the tenth amendment. 
     One case involves attorney generals suing the federal government over the new health care bill. Others range from states rebelling on gay marriage to the medical use of marijuana. The Tenth Amendment is becoming more and more popular and governments are finding more ways to manipulate its true meaning.

      What does the Tenth Amendment really mean anyway? I did not find the real answer to that question, but i, just like many other US citizens, take what is written in the original constitution as its meaning. The way it is interpreted varies greatly. It can be interpreted in many different ways and we see that with with the development of new state laws. I personally believe that states are taking full advantage of their tenth amendment right and we cannot deny them that. It is not written in the original constitution, the limitations of the right, therefore; we can't label what they have chosen to do as unconstitutional or wrong. 

1 comment:

  1. He Doneisha,

    Your posts look good again! I'd like to see an analysis of the cartoon you used here and please be sure to proofread and spell check all posts...
